As March arrives, Madness ensues. Predictions are made, brackets fill out, and upsets are anticipated. Many men look forward to watching their favorite teams play and wish there was a reason they could sit on the couch all day watching basketball. What if your doctor prescribed that very thing? Two days of couch sitting and resting is the exact remedy for those who have a vasectomy. If you’ve had a conversation with your wife recently about the potential for this minor surgery, you may consider scheduling it this month so that you can watch March Madness (at least for two straight days) without any hesitation.

The Procedure

This procedure is considered minor surgery and is usually outpatient; meaning once you are cleared by your physician, you’re free to go home. During the 10-30 minute procedure, a urologist will numb the scrotum using a local anesthetic before making a small incision. Then, locating the vas deferens—the tube that carries semen into the urethra—your doctor will bring a portion of the tube through the incision, cut and seal it. The sealed vas deferens will be returned to the scrotum and the incision stitched. The vasectomy is a very common procedure with rarely any complications. However, a vasectomy should be considered a permanent procedure, so be certain you do not want to father another child before you schedule the surgery. You can be sure that the procedure does not affect your sex drive or sexual performance. A vasectomy is a very safe, cost-effective, and reliable form of birth control.

The Recovery

After a vasectomy, you will need to wear tight-fitting underwear, or even a jockstrap, to minimize swelling and reduce any pain or tension. You will need to wear this type of underwear during the day and night until you feel comfortable without it. While mild pain or swelling is common after the procedure, it should not last for more than a few days and can typically be managed with over-the-counter pain medication. Applying an ice pack to the scrotum for 20 minutes at a time during the first 48 hours after the procedure will also help manage the pain and swelling. You’ll be asked to shower before you come in for your scheduled vasectomy and then wait 24 hours after the surgery before showering again. Gently using soap and water will help keep the surgical site free from infection. Avoid sitting in a bath or swimming for three to five days after your vasectomy. Rest is the most important part of your recovery. For the first 48 hours after your vasectomy, you’ll need to avoid any work or strenuous activity. By day three, you may be able to do some light work, but heavy lifting, sports, and sex need to wait until five to seven days post-surgery.

The Right Timing

For many men, the right timing for this surgery is during March Madness. A prescribed minimum of 24-48 hours to sit and rest is much easier to endure while watching an exciting basketball tournament. In fact, researchers from the Athenahealth Network discovered that urologist performed 30% more vasectomies during the first round of the 2016 NCAA Tournament than during an average week. Not a basketball fan? Perhaps you’ll want to consider scheduling your vasectomy prior to The Masters Golf Tournament. After your vasectomy, you can’t play sports for a few days but you can certainly watch them!

So don’t hesitate—March may be the perfect time for you to schedule your vasectomy at MS Urology Clinic. We have skilled urologists at all six of our convenient locations.